If you only get one chance to make a first impression and a picture is worth a thousand words, what does your smile say about you?

Everyone smiles, some more than others. If you’ve ever been afraid to smile because you’re embarrassed by the shape of your teeth you aren’t alone. Millions of people are afflicted by some form of abnormality that affects their smiles.
In fact, a very small percentage of the population is born with a perfect smile. That’s why there’s Invisalign, a revolutionary alternative to traditional metal braces. Anyone who has seen Invisalign before and after photos is convinced, and in most cases become a happy customer with a beautiful smile.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign offers a discreet, effective, and safe way to correct a variety of teeth alignment issues without the use of metal brackets and wires that traditional braces use. Instead, Invisalign uses clear aligners like a mouthpiece that athletes use except much smaller and still removable. While they don’t look, feel, or attach like braces, they are absolutely more effective.

What Conditions Are Treatable?

Invisalign has proven highly effective at treating almost every condition that impacts your smile. Your orthodontist will evaluate you to see if you’re a candidate. They include:

Crowding Teeth

Tooth crowding is the result of insufficient space in the jaw for all your teeth to grow in properly. This forces the teeth to grow in directions and angles that are unnatural. Often people with crowding teeth have overlapping and twisting teeth. Invisalign is an effective way to treat this condition.
If crowding is excessive, you might need additional procedures before implementing an Invisalign treatment plan. In most cases, the crowding doesn’t require this, but your doctor will examine you to determine if you are a candidate.
If you are a candidate the treatment plan begins with straightening your teeth. Once straight the plan shifts to spread your teeth apart. If necessary an interproximal reduction will be done by your doctor, essentially removing enamel from your teeth. This will ensure you have enough space in your mouth for all your teeth.

Gaps Between Teeth

Many people suffer from gaps between their teeth. One of the most common is known as the Madonna Gap, a space between the two front teeth known as a diastema. Everyone’s teeth grow differently and those who suffer from gaps might have them throughout their teeth or only in certain areas.
Any neighboring teeth with too large a space would be considered a gap. With one or more present they can lead to gum problems, crooked growth, twisting, and leave you at an increased risk of damaged teeth.
Invisalign is very effective at closing gaps. Your doctor will create a custom treatment plan that involves several aligners used in stages. Each stage is designed to gently close these gaps safely. At the same time, they will straighten any teeth that may be misaligned.
There are cases where the teeth are too small and require additional dental work. If this is the case then you’ll need some restorative bonding to close the gaps that remain after your Invisalign treatment is complete.


Overbites are defined as when the top teeth overlap the bottom teeth too much. These are easily treatable with Invisalign. Small overbites are normal, but if you have an excessive overbite Invisalign can help.
You’ll receive a custom set of aligners from your Invisalign orthodontist that is designed to align your jaw. Attachments provide additional grip to help the adjustment of your teeth into the proper positions.
Some people may require the use of elastic bands in order to add force to the aligner’s shifting of their teeth. Your doctor will make that determination on your first visit.

Underbites and Crossbites

These are the same condition but sometimes referred to differently. A crossbite is a malocclusion that happens when the lower and upper jaws become misaligned. The result is an incorrect overlap of the bottom and top rows of teeth.
It might result in your lower front teeth protruding out further than your upper front teeth, hence the underbite term. Or it could be that your teeth on the bottom or top protrude further to one side or the other, or the crossbite. If left untreated this could require expensive and complex surgery.
Invisalign is a reliable method for shifting your teeth into the proper bite. These conditions can be some of the most difficult and complex to treat.
To correct them you’ll need a 3D image scan of your mouth, teeth, and roots to ensure a proper diagnosis. Then your doctor can recommend a plan that will use a series of aligners to slowly move your teeth into their proper places. in some instances you might need oral surgery to adjust or remove teeth for best results.

Open Bites

An open bite is less common than the crossbite or overbite, but it does occur. It can be genetic or caused by thumb sucking and pacifiers. Invisalign can correct this with little difficulty and is often much more effective than regular braces.
The Invisalign aligners will put constant and even pressure on the teeth to slowly and gently put them into the correct positions. In rare instances, you might need surgery for maximum results. Your orthodontist will make that decision.

Untreatable Conditions With Invisalign

There are a few things that Invisalign cannot help with. Genetic Factors like tooth size and shape cannot be fixed with Invisalign, nor by any other orthodontic treatments. Surgery, veneers, or dental reshaping are your only options.
Impacted teeth aren’t easily fixed with Invisalign due to their design. Raising or lowering of teeth will sometimes be done with traditional braces before starting Invisalign treatments.
Excessive tooth rotation where the tooth is twisted beyond 20 degrees from its correct position may not be fully corrected by Invisalign alone.

Your Smile – Invisalign Before and After

Invisalign before and after photos consistently show the powerful effect of this treatment when in the hands of an experienced orthodontist. That’s why when you consider a plan be sure you find a highly-skilled orthodontist. Invisalign doctors have the expertise to diagnose your condition properly and create a treatment plan that leaves you smiling.
To learn more about the benefits of Invisalign you can visit our blog. You’ll find more information on how Invisalign works, answers to frequently asked questions on teeth straightening, and discover if you’re a candidate.