Approximately 90 percent of Americans over the age of 20 have tooth decay. About half have some form of gum disease. Issues with tooth alignment are also prevalent.

Fortunately, innovations in technology and advances in orthodontic remedies have come a long way as well. Many of these make treatment easy and effective. Invisalign is a prime example.

This article explains the basics of Invisalign, along with the many benefits it can provide. It also explains why Invisalign certification is so important for a provider. Keep reading to learn how to find an Invisalign orthodontist in Little Rock and Conway AZ.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth. Unlike traditional metal braces that rely on brackets and wires, Invisalign uses clear aligners. These fit over the top or bottom teeth and are removable.

The Invisalign process begins with a meeting with your dentist or orthodontist. They use special technology to get 3D scans of your teeth, then use these to put together a treatment plan.

Next, aligners are fabricated. These are discreet and removable, but patients need to wear them at least 20 hours a day to achieve results.

Patients wear the aligners for several weeks before moving on to a new set. In most cases, three to four sets of Invisalign adjusters are sufficient to achieve the desired orthodontic changes. In some cases, a retainer may be warranted to help maintain the results.

What Conditions Can Invisalign Correct?

Invisalign is most often used to treat misaligned teeth, but its corrective uses are far more extensive than that. Common orthodontic issues that Invisalign can treat include crowded teeth–which cause them to overlap and twist–or gapped teeth, where there is too much space.

Invisalign can be used to treat overbite, underbite, and crossbite. It can correct open bite, which is where the upper and lower teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed. This is often the result of abnormal jaw structure as well as habits like thumb sucking as a child.

Invisalign is also used before or after (or both) other forms of orthodontic care. For instance, it can address minor relapses after braces are removed. It might also be a useful precursor to braces or other treatments like veneers, crowns, bridges, or implants.

What Are the Main Invisalign Benefits?

There are many advantages of Invisalign beyond cosmetics. Straightening and aligning teeth provides many personal and health benefits.

Invisalign is economical and minimally invasive. It requires fewer office visits and costs than many other straightening methods.

This makes it a popular choice for adults or anyone who needs minor adjustments. (Keep in mind that, in most cases, Invisalign will not replace the need for braces, but can help reduce the amount of time someone wears braces.)

It can reduce strain on jaw joints, including the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Conditions associated with the TMJ can cause chronic pain and dysfunction.

Since Invisalign is removable, it will not interfere with eating or drinking. Being able to remove it for brushing and flossing makes it ideal for promoting better dental hygiene throughout treatment.

Finally, Invisalign is very comfortable. It is made of smooth plastic, so there are no jagged, protruding edges. Also, since the process is gradual, patients rarely experience pain or discomfort that is common with other orthodontic treatments.

Why Is Invisalign Certification Important?

Like all orthodontic treatment options, Invisalign requires special expertise and training. Certified orthodontists have received all the required training to properly diagnose, plan, and execute treatment with Invisalign.

It also ensures that their training is up-to-date with the most current techniques and procedures. This translates to many benefits that patients to consider.

Meticulous Planning

Using advanced 3D imaging, certified Invisalign orthodontists will be able to put together a customized treatment plan. Proper training allows physicians to predict and achieve treatment outcomes with precision. In most cases, the duration of treatment is fairly predictable.

Ability to Make Adjustments

Invisalign certification also means that doctors are equipped to field any unexpected issues that arise during the treatment process. Being able to make adjustments guarantees providers will achieve the results they want in the least amount of time, even with unanticipated challenges.

Patient Safety and Comfort

Patient safety is another major reason to look for Invisalign certification when choosing an orthodontist in Little Rock and Conway AZ. It ensures providers are using all of Invisalign’s proprietary technology in the way it is intended. This reduces the risk of errors and unwelcome complications.

It also translates to a better experience for patients. It guarantees that the aligners will fit well and be as comfortable as possible.

Proper Patient Training

Patients have a major role to play in getting results from Invisalign. Certification means that orthodontists can instruct patients on how to use and care for aligners. This includes cleaning and storage.

It guarantees that patients have all the information they need regarding how much they need to wear aligners. It also provides them with a full picture of the results they can expect to see and when.

Guaranteed Results

In recent years, there has been an increase in mail-in aligner companies offering cheap, at-home teeth straightening solutions. Due to their convenience and low cost, these products have become attractive to a lot of people. However, there are many reasons to think twice about this option.

First, these do not involve a customized treatment plan or professional supervision. That means patients are on their own and the results are a crapshoot. Also, in general, cheap aligners are unable to fix complex orthodontic issues.

The worst-case scenario is that these products can do more harm than good. Putting your smile and dental health at risk is not a gamble you should take.

Find an Invisalign Orthodontist in Little Rock and Conway AZ

Now that you understand the many advantages of Invisalign and why certification is so important, you can find a reputable provider. This will ensure you get the best possible results from the treatment.

At Wardlaw Orthodontics, our priority is to provide unsurpassed patient care. We offer a range of services and are a certified Invisalign expert. If you are looking for an orthodontist in Little Rock and Conway AZ, reach out to us today to schedule a visit.